Pycnanthemum muticum - Mountain Mint
Silvery bracts highlight dense clusters of small pinkish white flowers from summer to early fall on this special native of the Mint (Mentha) family. It is a vigorous grower, but is not invasive as are many of the true mints. The flowers are an extraordinarily good source of nectar for many types of pollinators. The leaves smell strongly of spearmint when they are crushed, and they contain pulegone, a natural mosquito repellent. You can crush the leaves and rub them on your skin and mosquitos will stay away and not smell like store bought repellent. Deer also stay away from this plant. When left to dry in the winter, it will add an interesting silvery touch to your winter scape.
Sun to Semi Sun, Rich Moist Soil, Summer to Fall, 12-36 in Tall, Zones 4-8